So like any normal full on child they always have bruised chins stubbed toes, scrapped knees and elbows.

Opened it up and here is Zed and Buddha standing there, covered in blood. Oh my god, what happened? Zed nearly in tears tells me "Buddha and me where playing chase around the lounge room" (a daily activity in our house) "and he tripped on the doona behind the lounge and head butted the coffee table".
The doonas we have behind the lounge because it’s freezing in our house we have aircon 24/7 and the stupid little coffee table I only moved there the other day. :(
So we all had blood everywhere by the time we got home, he probably could have done with a few stitches but Zed and I made up some homemade butterflies stitches and pulled it together and it came together pretty well.
Master T did the same thing when he was a little older, head butted Grandmas window sill had to have a few stitches in the exact same place, so they will have the same scar same size and shape.