So Bill owns a couple of boats and is right into fishing so he asked Daddy Zed to go one weekend shortly after we arrived and please take Boof, and master T, Buddha is too little yet, because they go right out to the reef from like 1.30 -7pm onwards.
So the 3 BIG boys went out and went fishing came home knackered but they had a great time and caught some fish = win.
We were at Yulis the following week and and Bill came up to me and said "those boys of yours were so well behaved, polite and awesome fun. They are welcome on my boat anytime"
I love hearing things like that - make all the hard work and nagging seem worth it. Give you reassurance that what you are doing as a parent is working!
So the 3 Big boys have been out quiet a few time on Bills boat, so last week we decided to buy them their own rods, so we went to this little fishing shop and got them rods, reels, line, tackle box with tackle. VERY HAPPY BOYS!
They have been out 2 times since that and only master T has caught one fish! :(

We were going to go to the NEW FLASH water park today but it is raining, YES like Zed said to me what does it matter we just going to get wet anyway. But there is thunder and therefore lightning so that is keeping us at home today :(
Zed has this great mate that works over here that he has known for years and year and use to work together and his family are moving over at the end of February so that is very exciting!

Buddha LOVES his big brothers so much he follows them around and plays blocks and cars with them. and they love him so much in return its beautiful to see some things they do with him!
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