Tuesday, June 12, 2012

School holidays

Ok wow well we are half way through this year already it’s flown by!

My twins have a whole month off school so I am on the lookout for some fun school holiday activities for them to do.

I have found out that there is an ice skating rink, (not sure if they have received their skates yet). There is the water park which we know very well. Hopefully there will be a few kids’ movies out at the movie theater. (Movies are so cheap here)

The local early learning centre runs a holiday program for children 18mth-7years so that should be great for them arts and crafts a couple of days a week.

Here there are 2 main ex-pat schools, the Australian one and the American one, the American one has broken up for summer holidays for over 2 months and most families have their breaks these school holidays so I thought there would be no one here. But have since found out that heaps of families are staying!

Anyway- I don’t ever remember having 1 month off in June/July holidays when I was at school and def not 2 months over Xmas! These kids these days spend more time at home than at school. Maybe that is why they have to send SO much homework home! :)

 Happy Holidays xxx

Monday, June 4, 2012


So it’s been awhile- SORRY! We are all great!!! It’s been raining lots here in Borneo.

My husband is back from nearly a month in Germany whilst I stayed in Borneo and kept the house running.
Not only were we all missing him like crazy, Buddha was teething he broke 2 teeth while Zed was away... horrendous nappy rash, fevers, crying and no sleeping.
Boof was sick for a week as well, doctors, school pickups during the middle of the days and I didn’t have anyone to come home and "winge" too. :(

All I can say is thank God I have some great friends here in Borneo or I would have been a basket case!

But on the upside MILK has been readily available - as you know that would make my life so much better :)

I have really missed my dog- my friends and family this past month have been home sick.

Zed loves his job and there are great new big things coming his way so he is so excited!
Some days I just feel like I’m just existing, not living. I’m sure we all have these days!

I thought maybe if I study something I might feel like I’m accomplishing something? There is no stimulation when you are an ex pat wife, like (work/learning/business) stimulation, so it gets a bit boring, there is heaps to do, coffee mornings, parties, dinner etc but Boring on the brain side of things.

But i'm trying to focus on my family and having quality time together.



Ok so I think I’ve been doing really well, 1 trip out of here since we got here in November, spent xmas here, spent mother’s day without my husband cause he spent nearly 1 month in Germany for work, me and the kids stayed in Borneo.

I tried to get out of here, ha ha, Germany, Australia, Malaysia hahaha but nope too expensive and we are here to save.

The twins have school holidays coming up-4 weeks (when I was a kid we never got 4 weeks off in the middle of the year) so I thought good time to take them home see Grandma, both their nanas, and all their friends- perhaps a early birthday party?

So I’ve been searching flights- Balikpapan -Brisbane easy!!! Around $3000. BUT Brisbane to Townsville an incredible $1000........
HERE IS MY WINGE: why is it that any other country you can zip from here to there for cheap? Why is Australian national flying so ridiculously expensive?

So I keep checking ALL the airlines in hope that a special will come up hahaha haven’t been so lucky as yet- Virgin blue http://www.virginaustralia.com/au/en/  Just under $800, Qantas just over $1000, Jet star just under $800.

So to fly Balikpapan to Singapore, its roughly the same distance, (actually Brisbane - Townsville is shorter) it wouldn’t even cost me $400, so I ask what is the difference, the planes are equipped the same, same amount of staff, maybe more for Balikpapan - Singapore cause its actually an international flight.

They both provide meals, luggage is the same.
USA, Europe, and Asia they all have really cheap internal flights.

 Just another thing we Aussies pay way too much for. :(